Wright Township

Senior Services

For ALL events except Bingo and exercise, a RSVP is required to ensure we have enough food and/or seating for everyone.   For ALL luncheons, a minimum of 20 people must attend, or we will need to cancel.  Please call Sharyl at the township office at 616-677-3048, or email treasurer@ocwrighttwp.org.

Schedule of our activities through the end of the year.  Subject to change.

Exercise classes are still not being held at this time.  I will hopefully have some news on this soon. For all bus trips, non-residents will have a nominal fee to cover expenses. 

November 20 – Shipshewana Bus Trip

December 4 – Bingo at Marne American Legion Hall at 1:00 pm.  All are welcome.  Bring a friend!

December 12 – Hackley House Bus Trip and Dinner.

December 18 – Christmas lunch.  Will be held in the new Community Center at the new township offices.  RSVP by December 11th

December 17 – Toenail trimming appointments – appointment necessary.

Please call Sharyl at the township office @ 616-677-3048 to reserve your space. 

Many families with aging adults are unaware of the several available memory care options and programs in their area that can help them support a high quality of life. Below is a free resource guide that highlights a memory care facility in Michigan. Check out the Memory Care Guide here:

Memory Care in Michigan
Memory Care in Michigan pt.2
What is a Memory Care Facility?
When to Consider Memory Care
What to Expect in Memory Care
Memory Care Options Near me
Four Pointes Center for Successful Aging
Nursing Home Abuse
Caregiver Support Group
Alzheimer’s Support Group – Coopersville
Emergency Housing Guide
Memory Cafe